Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Round 4

Dear Gentlemen,
"I realize that some of you brethren may have genuine fears regarding the real responsibilities that will be yours if you do marry. You are concerned with being able to support a wife and family and provide them with the necessities in these uncertain economic times. Those fears must be replaced with faith. I assure you, brethren, that if you will be industrious, faithfully pay your tithes and offerings, and conscientiously keep the commandments, the Lord will sustain you."
Love, President Ezra Taft Benson (To The Single Adult Brethren of The Church, April 1988)

Dear Ladies,
Even if you don't like sports, it is a good idea to know a little bit about them. Because a lot of gentlemen love sports, and its a good way to initiate a conversation with them. You don't need to know team names and athletes but here are a few basics:

  1. The World Series - the Championship of Major League Baseball (MLB) the winner is determined by winning 4 of 7 games.
  2. The Super Bowl - the championship of Football (NFL). The game is usually scheduled the first week of February every year. 
  3. The World Cup - the championship for international Soccer teams, it is held every 4 years. The next one will be in Brazil in 2014. There are 32 teams that compete for the World Cup.
  4. The NBA Finals - The championship series for the National Basketball Association (NBA) the winner is determined by the best of 7 games. the first 2 are played at the home court of the team with the better record. the next 3 are at the other teams court. and the final 2 (if needed) are at the first teams court again. This is for Pro Basketball teams.
  5. The Stanley Cup - The Championship for Hockey.  The winner is picked from a best of 7 series of games.
  6. For college sports go here.

Love, The Gentlemen

P.S. It may also be a good idea to know who the final two teams in the championships are.

Dear Gentlemen, 
When one of your buddies brings a girl to a mission reunion, or a BBQ, or some kind of social gathering... you should do your best to include her in the conversation. You can really mess it up for your friend if the lady feels like her date's friends don't like her. 
Love, the Ladies

Dear Ladies, 
One of the best ways to let a us know you are interested in a second date is the "After Date Text". Just send us a text saying you had a lot of fun or you really enjoyed our company and you would be interested in going out again sometime.
Love, The Gentlemen

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