Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Round 8

Dear Ladies, 
At least for the first few dates, try to be your most lady-like self. Burping, farting, gross jokes, etc. should be left at home. We don't want to feel like we're on a date with a man trapped in a lady's body.
Love, The Gentlemen

Dear Gentlemen,
The secret to finding the girl of your dreams is to get to know many of them and then, when you fall in love and it feels right, ask her to marry you. If she says no, you continue to search and to pray until finally you will arrive with that young woman at the altar of the temple. Just don't give up...Don't suppose that certain girls would never go out with you. Sometimes they are wondering why no one asks them out. Just ask, and be prepared to move on if the answer is no.
Love, President Uchtdorf (The Reflection in the Water, Nov 2009)

Dear Ladies, 
Be Gentle. It's all right if you turn down requests for dates or proposals for marriage. But please do it gently.
Love, President Uchtdorf (The Reflection in the Water, Nov 2009)

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